Three Types of Notebooks

I don’t consider myself organized, but documenting my life and purchases sure does make me feel like I am. It may seem unnecessary or overwhelming to have three notebooks, but I can explain why they’re so helpful and enjoyable.

My first notebook was my daily planner, because I could not successfully go through college without it. It also helps me keep my bullet journal accurate and updated, which leads me to my second notebook. I always loved the idea of having a pretty journal like the ones I saw online, and being crafty is a great way to relax. Lastly, the card log is something my dad bought me to document my purchases and deposits. I used to do this in the past, but the paper booklet I used was small and easy for me to forget about. Overall, these books bring me joy and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Planner: I use a symbol and pen color key to document what I do almost every day. This doesn’t mean that I literally get my planner out every day, because I will get a couple days behind when I’m busy or lazy. I don’t write in the calendar part of the journal, because I prefer to pencil it in on the weekly/daily section. That’s just my way of doing things, and there aren’t any rules to journaling. It’s nice to plan ahead or show yourself what you have accomplished daily. The various pen colors, doodles, and stickers might be unnerving, so do whatever you prefer. You don’t have to be an artist to have your shit together! See my old post, Organizing for Procrastinators, to read more.
  • Bullet Journal: I’m new to this, because this is my first bullet journal. When I can’t think of a design or page idea, I find inspiration online. At this point, Pinterest should sponsor me for how much I use it and reference it in my writing. This is my most time-consuming notebook, but I love having this new hobby. Some of the things in my 2019 bullet journal include monthly overviews, list my favorite things of the year, and where I’ve traveled this year. I won’t go too deep into it, because I am planning on making a post at the end of the year when my bullet journal is finished.
  • Card Log: I don’t know how common or old-fashioned this is. It’s something my dad does and encouraged me to do, and I agree that it can be beneficial. I have a table of contents and pages organized by months. I put the date the money is officially taken from my account, where the items are purchased, how much it cost, and how much money is now in my account for each purchase. I do the same for every deposit. These details can be found on my bank’s website. Where did my money go? When was the last time I deposited money? Ta-da, card log.

I never know if short posts are amateurish or if people are more interested in short reads. Either way, I’ll end up saying as much as I want. I’m sending motivational vibes your way, readers. Was that cheesy or did it work? Both? Good. Get to writing!

Author: ninefingernewsletter

I’m Alex! I'm a Lamar University '21 alumnus that earned a B.A. in American Sign Language with a focus in interpreting. I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling. While Nine Finger Newsletter is currently inactive/on hiatus, it was established in 2017 to spread awareness about my Disabled, LGBTQ+ identity. My blog is meant to educate, motivate, and entertain others with what I’m passionate about!

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