Trying 3 Styles I Like

As a disclaimer, I want to emphasize that I’m not mocking others’ styles for entertainment. I genuinely like these styles and admire those that dress like this daily. Besides allowing myself to branch out and try styles I’ve always wanted to pull off, this helps me discover new ways to mix and match my wardrobe.

  • Cottagecore: This is a recently named style that emphasizes cottage themes, such as nature, faded colors, and vintage things. Others may describe it slightly different, but that’s the fun of interpreting fashion.
  • Goth: This style is popular enough that I don’t have to explain it. I’ve always wanted to look like a cool Hot Topic employee, and I think I channeled that here pretty well (maybe with a hint of rock).
  • Fairy Kei: This style is very kawaii with pastel colors. It might’ve been the hardest outfit to coordinate out of the three, because I don’t have a lot of pastel clothes or cutesy jewelry. It was worth a shot, and it’s still a cute outfit!

I want to thank Rachel Maksy (Rachel Maksy on YouTube and rachel_maksy on Instagram) for inspiring me with her recent video, Trying Out Your Made-Up Aesthetics. I was actually going to do four styles, but I was unable to coordinate a Lolita outfit out of the clothes I have. I had so much fun planning and posing, because it reminded me that you’re never too old to play dress-up or try new things.

Author: ninefingernewsletter

I’m Alex! I'm a Lamar University '21 alumnus that earned a B.A. in American Sign Language with a focus in interpreting. I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling. While Nine Finger Newsletter is currently inactive/on hiatus, it was established in 2017 to spread awareness about my Disabled, LGBTQ+ identity. My blog is meant to educate, motivate, and entertain others with what I’m passionate about!

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