My First Cosplay & Comic Con

Ever since I found out there was a Comic Con near me, I was ready to create an amazing cosplay costume. I decided to go as an anime character, Rito from Urahara.

  • Research: After finding an image that showed the character’s entire outfit, I made a list of what I would need to find for my costume. I bought the sleeveless jacket off Poshmark for $16, which was probably the most expensive item in the cosplay.
  • Creating the Costume: My lovely mom created pieces of the cosplay with her unworldly craft skills. Let me note that she was excited enough to volunteer to create all of this. My mom made most pieces out of random things lying around: a red physical education cone, paper, a water bottle, a red pen, and elastic. The wieners were made out of material stuffed with cotton balls to keep their shape. The yellow gloves I bought came fingerless, and my mom was able to cut and sew the left thumb off for my left hand. The boots were only about $9, and my mom painted them. In total, the entire costume only cost about $30.
  • Comic Con: When I first bought tickets to this months ago, I was worried I was just going to drag my mom around with me. It turned out to be such an amazing experience for the two of us! My true, nerd self really came out today. I bought a Resident Evil decal for my car and a Panchum Pokémon stuffed animal. It was so cool to see the art and books people created and were selling at booths. Everyone loved my mom’s Ghostbusters costume, and we saw Ghostbusters items at several booths there. Although maybe only one or two people recognized my cosplay, everyone was able to appreciate how cool the costume was. Multiple people took pictures of us, so who knows where our faces will be posted.

The first Beaumont Comic Con 2019 was definitely a success, and I’m glad I decided to go. I hope to go to more conventions now.

Author: ninefingernewsletter

I’m Alex! I'm a Lamar University '21 alumnus that earned a B.A. in American Sign Language with a focus in interpreting. I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling. While Nine Finger Newsletter is currently inactive/on hiatus, it was established in 2017 to spread awareness about my Disabled, LGBTQ+ identity. My blog is meant to educate, motivate, and entertain others with what I’m passionate about!

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